Why would an instantiated prefab not work exactly like its editor placed prefab cousin?


New member
There is a disconnect somewhere, and I can't figure it out.
I have a Task script that says

using UnityEngine;

namespace BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.Tasks.Movement
    [HelpURL("https://opsive.com/support/documentation/behavior-designer/writing-a-new-conditional-task/" + " YouTube https://youtu.be/q58ELfkyjQk?t=79")]
    [TaskIcon("Assets/Behavior Designer Movement/Editor/Icons/{SkinColor}CanSeeObjectIcon.png")]
    public class PoleArm_Attack : Action
        public SharedTransform targetTransform;
        public SharedFloat weaponRange;
        public SharedFloat attackSpeed;

        //fieldOfviewAngle for drawing attack range gizmo
        float fieldOfViewAngle = 90.0f;
        Animator animator;
        SpeedEnergyWill speedEnergyWill;

        public override void OnStart()
            animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
            speedEnergyWill = GetComponent<SpeedEnergyWill>();

        public override TaskStatus OnUpdate()
            if (targetTransform.Value != null)
                animator.SetBool("attack", true);
            return TaskStatus.Success;

        public override void OnDrawGizmos()
            MovementUtility.DrawLineOfSight(Owner.transform, /*offset.Value*/Vector3.zero, fieldOfViewAngle, /*angleOffset2D*/0.0f, weaponRange.Value, false, Color.red);

        public override void OnBehaviorComplete()

everything works fine, on objects placed in the scene, but not on real time spawned pre-fabs.

But for some reason, animator.SetBool("attack", true); never gets set on real-time spawned pre-fabs. ((transform.LookAt() and SetTopSpeed() work on both editor placed and cloned prefabs)

Again, it works perfectly on prefabs placed in scene, but fails when cloned by a simple spawner, although still returns success.

I just cant figure it out. I've tried swapping around OnAwake()'s vs OnStarts()'s as that is as far as I can figure where the disconnect is.
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I can't see anything wrong with your task. Have you tried inserting breakpoints within OnUpdate to see what it is doing?