"Wait for use complete" on Start Stop Use not working ?


Active member
Hello, I got started with Behavior Designer very recently, so I may not understand everything here, but I'm having trouble with the Start Stop Use task - I'd like to have an agent use a weapon at a slow rate, but it seems as though the "Wait for use complete" parameters does nothing and agents just keep using their weapon at a really fast rate.

I'm currently using the Nolan agent from the third person shooter example scene, and here is the part of his tree that bugs me :

Capture d’écran (214).png

I checked with game view and behaviour tree side by side and I haven't seen the wait task highlighted or reporting success a single time ! Quoting the documentation, "a Wait task is then used to prevent the agent from trying to attack every frame", so I'm pretty sure the weapon is supposed to be fired only once before moving to the wait task.

Am I the only one having issues with the start stop use and wait tasks ? Hope you can help me with this !
The Wait for Use Complete option will just prevent the task from stopping until the action is complete - it doesn't prevent the use ability from starting multiple times. You should check the use rate on your weapon.