Using the storage house and upgrade station


Out of curiosity I have the storage house and upgrade station in my scene, it all functions properly, well for the most part, how do I connect it with my inventory on my character, with the ucc uis integration, I trying to figure it out so I can create my own mesh and apply the functionality of these two great things!
The Upgrade stating is specific to the UIS Demo scene Character, it cannot be used with UCC.
you should create your own custom Upgrade system and Upgrade UI. Of course you can copy paste some of the code you are interested in.

There are two ways you can connect your Inventory to those UI Menus. First is to simply set the reference in the inspector directly from the Menu to the Character Inventory.

The other solution is to use the InventoryInteractable to set the Client Inventory the monent you interact with the object.

I hope that makes sense
Did both already and no luck, if I do the same in the video that you sent to get the inventory to the equip slots would that work?
I wonder if it because of the top part that has the filter system on it preventing the inventory from showing, the weapons , armor, consumable,etc, I’ll look at how it was setup more in the demo scene as far as the storage house is set up
Ok so I got my inventory to populate on the storage side of it so wrong side I used the binding part at the bottom of the display panel script on the storage menu gameobject now to find the same one but for the inventory part
Ok yeah this is not working it takes it to the storage side of the grid no matter which one I put it on, and if I do have it enabled, I loose the inventory on the player kind of hard to explain some is there some is not, when I open the storage menu I can move the items around in the right side, even tho they should populate on the left side, well I tried thanks for attempting to help bro much love
On the Storage Menu Opener you have a "Client Inventory" field and a "Storage Inventory" field.
The storage Inventory is the inventory in which you wish to store your items.
The Client Inventory is the player Inventory.

You could set the Client Inventory to only be your player, That works if you have a single player. Otherwise you can use the "Panel Manager index" and "Client Inventory Identifier index" fields to get the client Inventory and UI for a specific player.
Setting the "Use Player ID as Panel Manager ID" field to true will swap the panel manager and client inventory IDs the moment you interact such that the correct UI Menu can be opened.

If you have multipl players you should have one Panel Manager per player.
If you want to have a single panel manager for all your players then you'll need to make some custom UI code to hook up the panels to the correct inventory

I hope that helps
Yeah my problem is when in runtime the client inventory side disappears, on open I don’t know why it’s been racking my brain, the storage side works I have a loadout on it and everything is from my inventory base
Ok so I clicked on gizmos and when In runtime I looked at the scene, I see two big red x drawn where the item slots should be what would cause this
That's weird,
Red Xs in the scene view means the RectTransform of your UI has a negative height, width or both.
Does the layout look ok during edit mode? Are you using an 1920x1080 resolution for you game view?
Try changing the width and height of those rect transform at runtime to see what they really are.
Feel free to screen shot your hieracrhy too, while the problematic rect transform is selected it mught help me identify what is goign on