The problem with Final IK


New member
The polygons role model is used in the project, with the Third person controller binding.I removed the Character IK, added the FinalIKBridge component, and then added the Full Body Bifped IK,Aim IK,Look At IK to the character, and Grounder Full Body Biped component to the child object of the character.The main Settings are shown here, everything else is normal, but the animation is badly distorted when playing the shooting animation (see GIF,The muzzle flew to the left of the character).I guess it's because IK controls the main joint and deforms the animation.But I don't know how to solve it. Ask for help.
I'm not a FinalIK expert so I won't be able to help much. My guess is that one of your FinalIK settings is incorrect but I don't know what to change. I bet the FinalIK dev will know what is causing that.
Thank you, Justin. I am adjusting the“ Look At Offset” and “Animated Aim Direction” in FinalIKBridge component as if things will improve .If others know the solution, please leave a comment. If I find a solution, I will also leave a comment here.
Current solutions:
I found that the main problem came from the "Look At IK" Component ,so I set its weight to 0 in the aim and use states.
Not perfect, just the current solution. o(╥﹏╥)o
