Swapping Animator override controller interrupt current movement.


New member
I'm swapping Animator override controller using a simple key. How ever every time I press the swapping key current movement interrupts. Ex: Moving forward (pressing "W" key) and swapping Controller will interrupt the movement. I have to press "W" key again order to walk. How can I avoid this interruption?
Is the forward movement parameter set in the animator? If it is I would post this question in the Unity forums. I haven't tried swapping out overrides before.
Yes movement parameter set in the animator. Override Controller change movement animations but still I think it should work. But somehow no luck
I tested almost every way possible,

Only the animation get interrupt when I swap the Animator Override Controller. If I use Root Motion, animation and movement both stop (since movement use the animation to move). If I don't use Root Motion, animation stops but the character move.

I'm using default OPSIVE Animator for these tests.
Hm I'm not very familiar with override controllers and as far as I know the Opsive demo animator wasn't necessarily designed with override controllers in mind, although I don't see any specific reason why it wouldn't necessarily work. You might need to seek help in the Unity forums unfortunately.