
I was wondering if there is any plan in the roadmap to integrate a comprehensive stamina system. I know that we now have the attribute system, and this should be much easier to be accomplished. But I would love to have a hardwired stamina system that would be connected to the weapons, item abilities, and other abilities, and that could be shown on every component, rather than trying to make a custom implementation.

For example, the shield component could have a "stamina reduced on hit" component, and when the stamina runs out the shield would not function, and then could function again after that. This is usually more commonplace in most games than the shield breaking altogether (even though the durability idea is super cool on the long run). The same goes for running, jumping, bow holding and charging (Does charging and holding the bow drain stamina?), and melee attacks.

Thank you!
There currently are no plans - still trying to get caught up with the TPC v1 featureset :)