Single ESC to leave main menu?


Active member

if I want to leave the main menu, I can either press the "i" key, or twice ESC (the first will focus from the content panel to the main menu, the second will close the menu panel). Is there a way that with a single ESC stroke the main menu is closed?

Thanks, Christian
The reason ESC takes two inputs is because it closes the currently opened panel.

If your Inventory panel is inside a main menu you have to close both the Inventory and the Main Menu.
When you press 'i' you toggle the Main Menu that's why to takes a single input.

I believe you can set the Inventory Panel to "Is Non Selectable Panel" True, I think that should solve it since the selected panel would still be main menu even if the inventory panel is openend inside, but I'm not sure if it could cause other issues.

If it doesnt' work I would recommend writing your own code to close the panel/menu.