SharedVariable inheritance


New member
Hey! Is it possible to have a SharedVariable inherit from another SharedVariable?


I have these two classes from which I created their respectives SharedVariables



But doing it this way doesn't make it so that SharedEnemyMelee automatically inherits from SharedEnemy. Or at least I'm not able to use SharedEnemyMelee in a task which needs a SharedEnemy, which would be possible outside of SharedVariables.


I also tried to inherit directly from SharedEnemy, but this way, even though it compiles, I can longer access the Value on the SharedEnemyMelee.

Is there a proper way to set up the inheritance?
In this situation you can use SharedEnemy and then cast the value to EnemyMelee, but I do agree that it would be better to be able to use a SharedEnemyMelee directly. I believe that it's just the editor preventing the link and from a code perspective it would work without an issue. I'll look at this for the next update.
I see. But then how should I do the casting?


I tried it like this, but it returns this error


Should I edit something in the SharedEnemy script to account for the casting?

Thanks for the reply!