Reversing Combat ViewType Behavior


New member
New to UCC but I managed to get a scene set up and running with UMA and UCC in SpatialOS, everything works so far, but the controller behavior I seek is that the player rotates with the camera so I can essentially steer with the mouse while using wasd to go forward, back, side-to-side. The Third Person Combat ViewType does this when I press the right mouse button (Fire2), but I want the opposite where the camera "free looks" or rotates around the character when holding the right mouse button. Also, the character won't run or jump while Fire2 is being pressed but I want to be able to run and jump at all times. Is there an easy way to customize the ViewType or create a new one? Any suggestions?
It does sound like you'll want to create a new Movement/View Type. I would take a look at the RPG Movement/View Type for some inspiration, but by creating a new movement and view types you are able to decide when to rotate or move the character and camera.
Thank you for the response, I notice in the demo level the states and their blockers can be set in the inspector:


But with UMA integration there doesn't seem to be a way to do this unless it is possible to add states and blockers via code. Actually, I will probably need to configure a bunch of character controller options after DCS generation. I'm wondering if I can use the other UMA method and just swap recipes on a prebaked character.