Request for More Video Tutorials for the Ultimate Character Movement Asset


New member

I recently purchased the Ultimate Character Movement asset, and I wanted to express my feedback and request for additional video tutorials. As a non-native English speaker, I found it challenging to understand the documentation provided on the website. Although I tried translating the text, the accuracy was not sufficient, and the lack of visual aids made it even more difficult to follow along.

I am aware that there are demos available, but when I attempted to recreate the characters and follow tutorials on YouTube, I encountered several errors that I couldn't pinpoint. For example, there were instances where the video showed one assault rifles and two in my version. It seems that the video tutorials and the asset version might be out of sync

Therefore, I kindly request more comprehensive video tutorials that cover the entire process, from creating characters to building custom items, without separating them into different videos. This would greatly assist learners like me in getting a better understanding of the asset.

I understand that I have only been using the asset for a few days, but the lack of video tutorials has already posed some challenges. I tried searching for tutorials on YouTube, but most of them are from several months ago, which may not align with the latest version of the asset.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I believe that with additional video tutorials, the usability of the asset will improve significantly.

Best regards
The video tutorials are up to date with the current version. The videos do go in order though so for example you will need to make sure you watch the scene setup video before setting up your character. I believe that was the problem with your last question.

With that said, I do plan on creating new videos such as how to create a grenade or magic item.