Read only values


Why are EnemyLayers, InvisibleLayers and SolidObjectLayers read only?
How am I suppose to set those during run time for each character?
This was the super large issue with version 1 of the character controller not being able to set things during run time.
You can set the layers on the CharacterLayerManager. Furthermore, most components that deal with physics also have their own layer mask that you can modify.
Ya but the issue is I have to do that setting for every character I make. Time is everything on game creation.
But first I have to go click on another character I already made to check that settings lol. Other wise you start ending up with characters with different layer setups cause you forgot what layers you have for Solid Objects etc..

Say you make 300 characters and you need to change the layer mask on all of them?
I guess you can select multiple prefabs and edit it in that case. Still not good though.
Here is kinda of a example I'm talking about. I make games full time like 16 hours a day. So i know all about time.

This is a extreme case scenario
I recently bought a asset on the asset store that created LOD's and the guy's asset is amazing and works really well except it took 8 mouse clicks to set it up. 300 characters * 8 mouse clicks equals 2,400 mouse clicks lol.
I had to do some edits and reduce it down to 2 clicks.

Building a game is only one step to game development. Then you have game maintenance that follows and Game Changes/Updates.

I will say one thing though. Version 2 of the controller has come a long ways in progressing on this issue. A lot better managers for starters.
So I'm really excited about that.
Your best option is to subclass with CharacterLayerManager with your own component. You can then add your own setter and updates are no problem.

I will say one thing though. Version 2 of the controller has come a long ways in progressing on this issue. A lot better managers for starters.
So I'm really excited about that.
