Quest Machine Integration Not Pulling Focus on Dialogue Start


New member
I am new to Unity and I am trying to set up the integration between Opsive Character Controller and Quest Machine (and Pun). I was able to create my own quest and set up the interact and GreetQuestGiver abilities on the character controller. My NPC has the QuestGiver, Interactable, and QuestGiverInteractableTarget components attached to it. When I start the interaction with the NPC I am unable to interact with the UI components. I have attached the relevant configurations below. Possibly irrelevant but the Quest Machine Integration does not show up in the Character Manager Tab although I have confirmed that the integration content exists.

Interact Ability

Greet Quest Giver Ability


Quest Machine

Integrations Page
I haven’t used Quest Machine in a while but I assume that it still works similar to Dialogue System.

Is there a more specific ability in the QM integration? For example, in DS there is a Talk ability and with this you can release the mouse (and camera, if you want) while in a conversation.

Also, I noticed your NPC is set to the Default layer, you might want to make unique layers for different types of interactions. And when you have your Interact or Talk (or whatever) ability you have that only detect that specific layer.

If that doesn’t help, you should check out the Pixel Crushers forum, Tony is insanely helpful and usually handles integration support.
