Propery mapping impossible with a large number of objects in scene


Active member
Hello, I realized today that having thousands of objects in a scene could make property mapping impossible, clicking on the arrow icon on the right causes a waiting time and then nothing. This also happens in prefab mode if it started from a scene containing many objects. Now I get it, creating a list from thousands of object must be an issue for Behavior Designer, and I'm okay with opening an empty scene before editing the prefab, but may I suggest adding a warning message if a vast number of objects is detected when trying to start property mapping ?
For that use case you could assign the mapping through script so it's easier to select the object:

I actually asked about assignement through script a long time ago but didn't try it again, I really should ! In any case, I maintain that a warning message about large number of objects could be added so that other devs don't spend time trying to figure out what's wrong, and it could also perhaps suggest using this alternate method.