Prefab with autosave On - Interupt and Perform Interupt


New member
In Unity version 2019.3 (beta) and maybe also in earlier version there is an issue when working in a prefab with the behaviour designer on task "interupt" and "perform Interupt" when the Prefab autosave feature is on.

The issue is, I can not save the interupt task on the perform interupt task because Unitys autosave feature is triggered right after I selected the interupt task, one can see the little icon on the interupt task, but before the interupt task is saved on the perform interupt. Then Unity triggers a save but seems to run before the whole selecting the interupt task is done, and when Unity is done saving, everything after is thrown away.

The result is, you won't see the interupt task that has been selected on the perform interupt because the whole selecting is slower than Unity doing an autosave. So either it should not trigger the autosave or something else needs to be done.

My current workaround is to deactivate the autosave feature when working with a prefab.

So steps to reproduce:

1. Have a prefab with autosave on
2. Open Behaviour Designer on some existing Behaviour for that Prefab
3. Add Perform Interupt and Interupt tasks
4. Try to select Interupt task from the Perform interupt task from behaviour selection
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I haven't played with the beta yet so this is likely an issue with that. Can you link me to this new auto save feature so I can look more into it?
Thanks for the link - I didn't know that feature existed.

Are you able to reproduce the problem with a fresh non-beta project? I assigned the interrupt task from the perform interruption task while auto save was on and it worked.
I created a fresh non beta project in the latest official release 2019.2.6 and it worked with auto save activated. No problem there.
The issue startet when I upgraded the fresh project to the beta version 2019.3 5b.

Thank you for helping. I think we can leave it there until 2019.3 becomes an official release.
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Good to hear. We are not able to support beta versions of Unity but when Unity releases 2019.3 I'll test this feature again to ensure it works. With Unity switching the UI theme in 2019.3 there will definitely need to be some changes.