Please update documentation to notify people URP doesn't work with the demo scene


New member
Hi there,

I just spent an hour trying to figure out why the demo scene was entirely purple until I came across a thread where @Justin noted that the built-in renderer is required for the demo scene. Can you please update your documentation to make this clear to new users? It's not noted in either the Getting Started or Demo Scene pages and it's not immediately clear in any error messages or warnings that I found. I may have missed some messages or errors, I'm not terribly perceptive, but I think it should be made very clear. Especially given Unity 6 default renderer is URP now (I think, is for me). Anyone starting a new project with a new install will run into this if they were not aware.

I think with the stable release of Unity 6 it's time for the demo scene to be updated to URP by default. I'm sure pretty much everyone now uses URP.

Any chance we can get a date for the next update?
Thanks, I will add this to the documentation. The starting screen of the demo does say that it requires built-in but that's easy to miss.

The problem with including URP by default is that if you don't have URP installed then the shader will throw an error. There's no platform defines for shaders so I cannot selectively include just a piece of the shader. I will see if there's any alternative, but the shaders weren't made with ShaderGraph so something like this doesn't work:

I could include the URP package in the controller Unity package, but you'd still need to extract the package in order to prevent any errors with with the built-in render pipeline. I could modify the Scene Manager to automatically extract it for you based on the selection, but that wouldn't help with the demo scene specifically...

40% of Asset Store purchases are made with Unity 6. While it's getting up there we're not quite to the halfway point yet. I'd love to hear any suggestions on how to do the transition.

The next update will be released with the Behavior Designer Pro release since they share some of the same files. This will within the first month or two of the year. One thing that may benefit this is that the next update of UCC will use the packages structure. With this the demo scene will be a separate Package Manager Sample. I could mention that the demo scene uses URP, but some of the URP files are non-demo files so that adds another layer of complication.
For example, in the EasyRoads package, and in many others, immediately after installation it determines the current renderer and installs the necessary packages for the installed renderer.
You can do the same here. I think that the URP and HDRP packages should be supplied with the UCC, users should not have to go looking for where to download it themselves.
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Installing the render content upon installation is definitely doable, but that doesn't change the demo scene requiring built-in. I could make the switch to URP for the demo scene, but then it requires the base files and if the user isn't on URP then it'll throw errors. I'll think about it some more. There's an opportunity here to make some changes since the next version uses the Packages structure.
The next update of the character controller will have a new Project option allowing you to import the URP or HDRP support files. The demo scene has also been converted to URP. You will need to import this package after the base controller code has been imported (it uses the Package Manger's Samples format: With this method it won't throw any errors no matter what render pipeline you have installed, and you have to separately import the demo scene which uses URP.

Lots of structural changes in this next update

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