New Unity Input System - Disabling the Input Manager


New member
My understanding is that it's possible to convert the Inventory System over to using the new InputSystem, instead of the Input Manager. I've downloaded and installed the integration, however it's riddled with problems. There's a missing prefab called 'Nolan' that is in turn missing about 15 different scripts.

Is this not a problem or should I be worried that it isn't really a release-ready integration as advised?

If it is usable - do I need to change out any components? For example, the Player has a 'UnityInput' component (although this is referred to as "PlayerInput" in the docs - the setup wizard gave me this component so I haven't touched it). This appears to make reference to magic strings for input "names" which I assumed refers to the Input Manager axes. Guessing there is an alternative component for the new InputSystem?

In terms of InputActions assets - I already have one on the project for my players, can I combine this with the 'CharacterInput' asset that came with the integration?
Ignore the Nolan prefab. We use the same integration package for both UCC and UIS. Nolan is the character controller in UCC.

I'll ask @Justin if we can do something about that, because you are not the first person to point it out.

The integration is release-ready all you need is replace the "Unity Input" component with the one from the integration "Unity Input System" as explained in the integration documentation (As mentioned both UIS and UCC use the same integration because they both use the same shared input system):

In terms of InputActions assets - I already have one on the project for my players, can I combine this with the 'CharacterInput' asset that came with the integration?
I believe you can, the new input sytem editor allows you to copy paste actions across input action assets
Ignore the Nolan prefab. We use the same integration package for both UCC and UIS. Nolan is the character controller in UCC.

I'll ask @Justin if we can do something about that, because you are not the first person to point it out.
The character controller includes a demo scene showing how it works but we don't have something similar for inventory. It's a quick matter of replacing the input component so a demo scene really isn't even necessary and I can remove it from the character controller to reduce confusion.
Hi Jusin

I apologize if there was an integration document that I didn't read that's on me! Not sure how I missed it.

Does that mean I can turn the Input Manager off completely in player settings?
