Moving platform and animation leads to stutter


New member
Hello everybody.

I have the following problem:

Basically I have an animated train which is currently triggered with a box collider.

When I jump on the train when it's moving, the player stays on the train. So far so good.
The only thing I've noticed is a stutter/jitter effect. Which is only noticeable for the object not for the camera itself.

The following video demonstrates the effect.

I have attached a KinematicObject script to the wagon, and then it doesn't follow the train anymore.

Does someone have a suggestion what can be done to get rid of the stutter?

Are you using the Move With Object ability? Is the train kinematic?

This looks like a discrepancy between when the train is updated versus when the character is moved. In version 2.2 you'll be able to ride non-kinematic objects so I would wait until that version is released. We're really close to releasing this update so it won't be long!