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I have encountered a bug in /Behavior Designer Movement/Scripts/MovementUtility.cs for 2D projects.
The conditional block on line 153 currently looks like this:
It does not work for me (specifically, a target never gets set in the Search action). I'm not a C# expert, but it does not appear assignment can be done in this fashion.
I have changed it to this and it works as expected:
I am reporting here so that it can be resolved in the core package and I won't need to rely on my local changes.
The conditional block on line 153 currently looks like this:
RaycastHit2D hit;
if ((hit = Physics2D.Linecast(transform.TransformPoint(positionOffset), targetObject.transform.TransformPoint(targetOffset), ~ignoreLayerMask))) {
hitTransform = hit.transform;
It does not work for me (specifically, a target never gets set in the Search action). I'm not a C# expert, but it does not appear assignment can be done in this fashion.
I have changed it to this and it works as expected:
RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Linecast(targetObject.transform.TransformPoint(targetOffset),
transform.TransformPoint(positionOffset), ~ignoreLayerMask);
if (hit.transform != null) {
hitTransform = hit.transform;
I am reporting here so that it can be resolved in the core package and I won't need to rely on my local changes.