Melee Weapon


Can't seem to get Melee Weapon to do any damage. Doesnt do push back either when setting Impact force high.

While having it running and continuously attacking, there was a time where all the sudden my character had great damage done to him and the animal attacking me just froze up.

I'm targeting layers Character and Sub Character.
Attack animation plays
I have OnAnimatorItemUse, OnAnimatorItemUseComplete added to the animation clip.
I''m using ItemAbility.Use to activate
The Third person weapon object with sphere collider is using layer sub Character
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I placed this code on the third person object where the collider of the weapon is at.
It never tripps. so I dont know. Collision is being ignored for some reason.

    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
Turns out I had Character Level manager settings setup wrong.
Now its applying force to my character.

Its still isnt doing damage though.
I got it figured out. I turned wait for animation event on complete back on instead of using timer.
Apparently when thats off it deals no damage on UCC2.