Layer and Impact Priority


I am trying but having a hard time understanding the roles of different layer vs layer configurations in UCC vs Unity's own layer collision system.

So, here is what I am trying to figure out:

(1) Unity has got a physics matrix that shows how different layers may or may not collide with each other.
(2) The projectile script has got a "Impact Layers" component
(3) Shootable Weapon script has got a "Impact Layers" component

Do these override each other? Ultimately, even if I do not set up (1) and (2), does (3) have the final say in what can collide with what?

Could you please help explain how I should go about making sure that things that I would like to see colliding do collide, and the others do not.

Thank you so much.
Also, does "SubCharacter" layer have a special recognition at the code level? For example, I have changed the layer name for each of the body parts that can be assigned in the Health script as a body collider as "Enemy". If I choose "Nothing" for Impact Layer of the shootable weapon, the projectile will pass through. When I change it to just "Enemy" I would expect it to collide with those colliders, but it does not. If I add or change it to "SubCharacter" then collision will occur...

Is this because SubCharacter layer is exclusively assigned to be a collision layer in the code, or maybe because the SubCharacter layer is the layer of a parent object, even though that parent object does not have a collider inside it?
Unity's collision matrix is not used - that is used by rigidbodies and is not used by the controller. The shootable weapon overrides the projectile.

SubCharacter should be used for the colliders that are on the GameObjects that are a child of the main Transform, such as the ragdoll colliders.
That clarifies a lot. So, do you have any ideas on this scenario on how I can work around the layers:

I have got two projectile weapons for a certain scene, and I would like one of them to be able to hit and damage only the head of the character, and not the rest of the body colliders, and I would like the other to do just the opposite. I try to configure both the names of the layers in the ragdoll colliders and the Impact Layers of the shootable weapon to do that, but this does not seem to have any effect, since they will still only work only if SubCharacter layer is selected. Is there a way to do this?