Ladder Issues



Just imported the Climb add-on and implemented it on my character via the add-on manager.

1. I can climb the ladder, but when I enter from the top.. the character doesn't climb correctly.

2. I can click "F" and the climb starts even when their is no ladder/wall etc. (This might be causing the issue in number 1)

3. Tried adding the ClimbLadder state to the third person objects (For first person. my games only in first person), but didn't seem to work. Not a big issue for me as I don't need to see the arms, but just curious. Im using HDRP.

Thanks for the advice!
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1. I can climb the ladder, but when I enter from the top.. the character doesn't climb correctly.
That looks related to root motion rotation. Does the demo scene work correctly for you? What if you copy the ladder from the demo scene into your own scene?

2. I can click "F" and the climb starts even when their is no ladder/wall etc. (This might be causing the issue in number 1)
I would check your Object Detection settings:

In the demo scene the ability can be enabled based on the Object Identifier.

3. Tried adding the ClimbLadder state to the third person objects (For first person. my games only in first person), but didn't seem to work. Not a big issue for me as I don't need to see the arms, but just curious. Im using HDRP.
Make sure you also set this state on the climb ability.
Still happens with my character in the demo scene. Nolan works perfectly, just not my character. where can I find the "Object Detection Settings" Or the "Object Identifier"?

Even with no object in the scene, I can still click "F" and the character starts to climb nothing. As seen

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If Nolan works correctly then I recommend comparing the LadderClimb properties on Nolan versus your character. The Object Detection field specifies when the ability starts.
I have the same settings as the Nolan LadderClimb. Since I only need LadderClimb, I just turned off FreeClimb which I believe is causing the issue. Also had to add the viewtypes which isn't explained on the site
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I have the same settings as the Nolan LadderClimb. Since I only need LadderClimb, I just turned off FreeClimb which I believe is causing the issue. Also had to add the viewtypes which isn't explained on the site
I have the same problem. The character uses a ladder, but at the top he just gets stuck in the air and doesn't go up. That is, it plays the animation, but it doesn't go up like in the demo scene (if I test it with Nolan). All my settings are the same as in the demo scene, I also applied presets for the character (camera, IK, objects). I used the climbing demo scene for testing, but the abilities don't work the way they do in for Nolan. Also, the arm/leg movement animation is played multiple times when he just takes 1 stair step.
2. I can click "F" and the climb starts even when their is no ladder/wall etc. (This might be causing the issue in number 1)

Make sure the Object ID matches the Ability Index Parameter
Ladder = 501(Will need to add an Object Identifier component to the Ladder in the Demo or leave as -1)
Short Climb = 502
Free Climb = 503
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