Keep Momentum on Fall State


New member
Hi everybody,

This is probably has a very easy solution, but I have been scratching my head and trying to solve this and can't find it.

I'm trying to make a character with some exagerated movement (alas a 3D platformer) with the new Third Person Controller. I managed to keep the Speed Change automatic and I scripted a progressive acceleration to its speed. As the Start type is automatic when I Jump it keeps the inertia of the ground speed that I achieved with the progressive speed change.

Problem comes if I release the stick (or any input for movement) mid air. It's true that I scripted the progressive Speed Change to the delta time, and I know the issue comes that it resets the speed when the movement stops, so what's really going on is that when I stop applying movement the speed sets drastically to the original walk speed.

I tried working around it with the state system, but it doesn't seem to work and my brain has turned into goo by this point. Im thinking of making a progressive damping system when movement is stopped (I don't like that it stops so suddenly after reaching the maximum speed). I already thought of this as a next step because I really love how in the Super Mario games when you change direction it does like a brake with animation and dust comes off its feet. I was thinking of doing something like that with a tiny bit of brake distance. But when fall comes in mid jump I really want the fall to ignore that you stopped applying speed change and get control of that damping force on the velocity.

Am I overcomplicating things?
If you don't want the character to stop at all you can reduce the motor damping value. This value controls how quickly the character stops. You can use the state system to adjust this value when the character is in the air versus grounded.