Just started learning UCC for the first time - some inital questions


New member
UCC: 2.2.5

Hello folks!

I've only had UCC for a few days so, spoilers, I'm right at the start of this journey and I'll be asking some pretty basic questions. I've been watching various YouTube videos and reading the documetation which are great, but sometimes it's best to just ask!

My understanding is for First Person Arms to show up, an item must be active / present. Is that correct?

I haven't delved too much into understanding items yet, but how would it work if I wanted the arms to display and animate while the characters walks and runs (think Mirror's Edge)...etc empty handed. In that situation is an item still relevant?
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Not necessarily - if you select the NolanFirstPersonArms object (under Nolan/First Person Objects), you can enable "Always Active" in its FirstPersonBaseObject component. This will allow the first person arms object to always be active, even with no items. (You still won't see them in first-person view in the demo scene, as they're set up to be positioned out of the camera's view by default and don't have any animations for running etc.)