Item connection to grid and description


New member
Hello, sorry for my bad english.
I'm new here, my first steps, but no connection between database and grid and description. I've read the documentation up and down, but everything is very complex. I think that I have created the database, but I have problems getting a connection to the description. The weapons are also not displayed in the grid. Something is missing ? What do I have to read specifically? All demo videos are way too complex. I need a simple display of weapons (for example from a chest) that can be broadcast in a grid for the player.

Thanks Wolfgang


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So there are a few issues with your setup

1) The "Item Binding" component has nothing to do with the UI. It is used to bind attribute values to properties on component within the same game object. Example it can be used to change the attack value of a weapon script for when you attack
2) You seem to have two decriptions "Description" & "Description_Sword". Why do you need two descriptions?

You should be using the UI Builder to make your UI.
There is a tab to create a Item Description with a subsection which lets you bind the description to your Inventory Grid (or other Item View Slot Container). The default description UI will use the "Description" attribute on your item.

There are three reasons your items might not show up in the grid
1) You filtered them out, if you used the default settings then that's not it
2) You haven't bound the inventory with your items to the inventory grid. But it seems that you did
3) Your inventory is not drawing. Do you have a panel which is bound to your inventory grid? If you created it with the UI Designer then it should be set up correctly already.

You should read this section of the documentation:

I will be making video tutorials some time next week which will go through setting up an inventory grid from scratch using the UI Designer
Hello and thanks,
to 1) have no filter
2) is possible that i make a mistake ??? can i do more than fill the components of player and grid ?
3) I have created a new inventory grid with UI Designer Create, without description.
The same problem, a new one , no reaction to the "I" button, the grid panal is not visible.
What informations do I have to give to narrow down the problem ?
If you wish to open your inventory panels with the button "I" you must do it either through code or by setting it in the inspector on the Inventory Input
The panel name must be an exact match to the panel of the inventory panel. If your inventory is inside a main menu (like in the demo) then you can open the Main Menu panel instead.

To add an item description to your grid you can go to the item description tab and use the Item View Slot Container Binding section to bind it to the grid (The UI Designer might look a bit different since I made some recent changes which are not public just yet.)
You can set your Inventory Grid in that Item View Slots Container field and then you will have the option to bind it.

If after following those steps you are still having issues, do not worry we have new video tutorials planned for next week which will explain in detail how to set this up.
Thankyou for your helping. I wait for your new tutorials, i m not worry, have enough time, i am a retired programmer and try to create a 2D Game for my grandson.``
I will also check your tips.
I found one diferent to the demo (look Attachment), the "Interactable Indicator", i don`t know which one i must change.
The same one like in the demo is not possible.
Which script fill the slots ?

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The Inventory Interactor is used to detect "Interactables" game objects which the character can interact with. For example it is used to interact with item pickups to add items to the inventory.

The field Interactable Indicator is used to toggle a game object on and off when something can be interacted with. For example in the demo it is used to show a little "E" above the character. It is completely optional.

You can hover over a field name when you aren't sure what it does. A tooltip should explain it. If some aren't clear let me and I'll rewrite them
OK , I understand "Interactables", don`t need it.
The answer of my question "Which script(s) fill the slots ?" can help me.
Is it possible, that i need your "Ultimate Character Controller" ?
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No, Ultimate Inventory System is a stand alone asset, it does not require any other asset to work. You do NOT need Ultimate Character Controller.

Sorry I missed that question.

The "Slots" you are referring are called Item View Slots. They are filled in by the Item View Slot Container (In your case that would be the Inventory Grid component). The Inventory Grid component draws the slots from the data it gets from the Inventory component (on your character).
Each item stack within the inventory is assigned to an Item View Slot within the Inventory Grid. The Item View Drawer component will let you change the Item View within the Item View Slot depending on the item category.

Make sure to read the documentation for in depth information on the subject:

I would also recommend you watch this video again, you might find useful information you didn't notice before:

I'll do my best to get a more in-depth video tutorial for the UI as fast as possible
I have repeated it very often. According to the documentation and the videos, I cannot exactly see for which game objects the listed components should be used.
I wait for your new tutorial. I hope , i see all steps to fill a grid.
Yes, we just released a video a few hours ago.

Make sure you are using v1.1.2 (released a day or two ago) and have followed the instructions in the release notes first:

We released 4 new videos:

After watching that first video you can start watching the other ones in any order

If you haven't watched any video tutorials yet, you should start with the

videos were recorded with v1.0.X but they still have a lot of very useful information for beginners (things might work a bit differently now in v1.1.2 so don't follow them to the letter)

We will add more videos and update the old (v1.0.X) videos in the future