Is dotted notation support for dynamic vars - and is it sensible?


New member
I've an external task that I want to paramaterize.
It has variables min/max coverDistance and ignoreIfWithinDistance.

For some calls to this tree I specify the values manually.
For others, they come from an existing object (i.e: an enemy, with various capabilities).
I've tried to use GetComponent to extract the "Unit" class into a dynamic var, and then used dotted notation to try to pass the relevant properties down into the tree.
I get 0 for all values.

Is dotted notation supported?
If not, is there some other approach that's more sensible?

The GameObject has a class of type Unit on it. I'm using GetComponent to get that instance, and I'd like to access properties of that object. So I'd though I'd be able to use dot notation. e.g: if I have a shared var 'unit' populated by the GetComponent, I would hope to be able to access properties of that to pass as args to the external tree.