Increase Attack Damage temporarily


I want to implement a powerup which can increase the damage amount temporarily.

What I found so far is modifying the use ability and in AbilityStarted() doing something like:
            var meleeWeapon = m_Inventory.GetActiveItem(SlotID).gameObject.GetComponent<MeleeWeapon>();
            meleeWeapon.DamageAmount *= 1.5f;

But since there could be multiple different components like MeleeWeapon, ShootableWeapon, Grenade etc. and also there could be multiple components of the same type on one weapon, it's rather a tedious process.
So I wonder if maybe there is something more practical?
I also should mention I'm using UCC + UIS integration in case that matters here.

Thanks for helping out!

EDIT: woops I wanted to use the Questions thread, mis-click there sorry.