How to set item definition icon?

Item Definitions are organized by Item Categories.

All Item Definitions within an Item Category must have the same Attributes defined, whether thos attributes are category, definition or Item Attributes. Once defined on the category you may set different values per Item Definitions.
So you are not allowed to create Attributes directly from the Item Definition page (or on an Item at runtime). You first need to create them on the category and then assign them a value in the definition.
In the category you may give them a default value.

Victory! Thank you.

I love Behavior Designer, but Ultimate Inventory seems a bit too abstracted with proprietary concepts and terms. The learning curve is epic. I have over a decade of professional C# experience, software architecture, etc., and this is hard because it's not programming, it's memorization and dogma of how to configure things. It feels like there are too many options, too many switch, too many submenus, it requires investing too much non-transferable time and learning into one specific asset. I likely won't switch in the short/medium term, because I have it pretty much working and I'm not going to rip up the floor-boards when I'm this far along, but I wanted to take a moment to share my 2c, for what it's worth.