How do I change a door from "F" to onClick to interact


New member

My game has a lot of interactions where I want to open cupboards and draws etc. and interact with objects. There is no combat in my game I am simply using UFPS as my controller. I need to have much greater control over what I can pick up and interact with than a bounding volume with an "F" interact. Essentially I am after a ray cast "onClick" interaction ability.

I have read the post: which is currently unanswered.

Please can you tell me if this more "walking simulator/adventure game" type functionality is included in the current version of UFPS? Obviosuly as I don't need the left mouse button to fire guns can it be remapped?

Last question: how can I edit the resting bob and field of view of the camera, the current settings make me feel a bit queasy.

thanks in advance!

Sorry - one more thing -I'd also like to set it all up to work with a controller (e.g. XBox) as well. Can you please provide guidance on how to best integrate these things into your system?
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You can remap keys inside Edit > Project settings > Input Manager, and change the bindings there.

The FOV can be changed on the Camera Controller script, right under the section "Rendering".

For game controllers, I'd recommend looking into Rewired or other input solutions that the Opsive controller has integrations made for. I only have experience with Rewired, and with the integration, it's a matter of dropping a script and a gameobject into the scene.