height change (crouch) and slower speed


Active member

Im looking to make the character speed slower when crouched... I went to the height change ability and tried create new state.. But I couldnt find anything in the list that had something with speed to do ? How is this ment to be handled?

Thanks ,

Okay I saw another thread with the same issue.... But the Animator speed is still the same... He crouch and moves slower, but the animation is still fast as when he walks.. .how do I change animation speed? ... I dont use rootmotion btw, its twitchy and un smooth ..
You can go into the animator and set the speed values for each animation.

E.g. in the Base Layer > Crouch > Movement > Movement blend tree, you can select the main blend tree and in the inspector you'll see all the animation clips and speed values:

Aaaha okay just as I thought.. I have alot of doubts with this way the character moves overall.. if you use a controller, and moves the left stick slowly forward , he don't take a slooow step , he small steps in place and look like a complete retard, is there any setting to get a movement like this :