Has anyone gotten a "character selection screen" to work? If so, how'd you do it?

I know, I know. I'm still on this character selection nonsense, but its really keeping me from working.

The Opsive kit works just fine with my one character that's already added to the scene, but I haven't been able to get a character selection mechanic to work. My original attempts consisted of loading a character prefab, but that breaks the system and causes bugs, so I've abandoned that.

I've attempted the fix that's in the official tutorials, and while that used to work, it just doesn't now. I think it has something to do with Unity updating since the code in the tutorial automatically gets updated by Unity. Regardless, its not working for me.

Has anyone tried to create a character selection mechanics working in game? If so, I'd like to know how you did it.
What are the approaches that you've tried so far and what are the exact errors/problems you're having with them? Are you using prefab variants for your different characters?
What are the approaches that you've tried so far and what are the exact errors/problems you're having with them? Are you using prefab variants for your different characters?

So far, I tried following tutorials on youtube that involve spawning prefabs of the characters into the game. I believe I'm using original prefabs. Essentially, the prefabs will instantiate on a button press, but when they do, they spawn detached from the camera.
When instantiating a new character into the scene, you'll probably need to then assign the character to the camera. This page has an example script at the top showing this, but you just need to set CameraController.Character to the character GameObject.
So from my understanding your able to use your int , mine is called index, and set the camera to that int in the array for the camera to follow, I have been having issues with this too, I thought about building a camera for each character enable disable in the same case, wish there was a better description on this matter
I have tried to reference the game object part of the camera script, unsuccessful, to change which gameobject should be the target
Int index;
Game object [] Clist;

Index = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(“CSlect”);
Clist = new GameObject[transform.childCount];

this is my variables, I have a empty gameobject
Under that are the characters, when I go to load says there is no look source for one , how would I talk to the camera script using these variables to change the target game object in the camera script
So after reading the camera code if I leave this field blank do to initiate on awake and it searches for player tag since my code toggles the characters on and off depending on choice it should find the one enabled correct?
No didn’t work it finds the first one on my list and follows it, it could work if I told it some how to find the enabled player some how
Forgive all the posts, so I have gotten the ui and the toggle between characters to work, as soon as I finish the code , have to enable and disable the ucc so the character does not move on choice and close the ui on confirmation, I still can’t get the camera to choose the one confirmed, I found that the first one on the list gets the camera not any of the other choices so if there is a way to to make the character choice be the tag it finds please let me know it will finish the character choice and I can share the code with everyone and the steps to get a decent basic thing going to build front here
You should be able to just set CameraController.Character, e.g.

public CameraController cameraController;
public GameObject theCharacter;


cameraController.Character = theCharacter;

I haven't tested setting Character manually during runtime much but I don't think there's any reason it shouldn't work.