Follow Pseudo 3D Path Accuracy After Turn

I have been using the Pseudo 3D Path Ability for keeping both my player and AI characters on the same line on the 2.5D plane. It has been working pretty good. I just decided to give a shot to the using the curve on Unity's path.cs, and that seems to have complicated things.

My player character makes a 90 degree turn, and the path's joints are both on the same X value. However, the player character seems to take a slight turn when that happens, completely messing up the aim. I have tried to push the joints of the path bezier curve, and also the curvature gizmos (the two smaller dots next to each joint) and the aim does not seem to change.

I really love the new system, but I want my character to make a solid 90 degree turn, and that seems to be too sensitive to be able to pull off with the curve right now.

Do you have any suggestions on how I may make it work, or if there is a more sophisticated asset suggestion that I can use to replace Unity's path system?

I seem to be able to make it a 90 degree turn (bring the curve gizmo all the way in to the middle), but then the player does not really transition and seem to get stuck at the intersection. Even if there is a slight curve, there seems to be sufficient a deviation (2-3 degrees was the lowest I could get it to) in the character rotation that the character can no longer hit any targets on the same axis as her.