Thanks Justin. I looked over the UIS Integration Demo, and all pertinent questions here on the form. My first person arms work almost perfectly now, with one exception.
The layers of the first person arms and first person perspective items are all set to "Overlay", just like in the integration demo. Everything is fine when I go into play mode, but when I enter first person perspective the first person arms and weapons aren't visible. If I stay in play mode and set the arms layer to Default, I can see the objects, but in the Demo there is no layer switch between the two perspectives.
I couldn't find a solution in the forums, and the only thing I can think of that might be causing this is the State System? I've watched all of the documentation videos on the system, and have a superficial understanding of how it works, but right now I've just aped what I see in the Demo scene.
Could this be where my problem lies?