The above is your original code for FindWithTag. In this code, Random.Range always returns 0. This seems to be because you have not explicitly typecasted gameObjects as GameObject[]. I was not aware of that limitation, but when I correct this, everything works as expected.public override TaskStatus OnUpdate()
if (random.Value) {
var gameObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tag.Value);
if (gameObjects == null || gameObjects.Length == 0) { return TaskStatus.Failure; }
storeValue.Value = gameObjects[Random.Range(0, gameObjects.Length)];
} else {
storeValue.Value = GameObject.FindWithTag(tag.Value);
return storeValue.Value != null ? TaskStatus.Success : TaskStatus.Failure;
I've noticed when debugging your code that you frequently define variables using var when an explicit typecast could be used instead. Aside from causing this issue, it also makes your code a lot harder to follow, which is annoying for consumers, or me at least lol. Something to think about going forward.