I enabled it just to test, i cant change this int without it being enabled, it resets to 2147483647 when i try to change itIt looks like you set a dynamic variable name? The shared button should not be enabled.
if (selected != newSelected || categoryID == 0) {
Debug.Log(itemSetManager.ItemSetGroups[newSelected].CategoryID); // Here
(value as SharedUInt).Value = itemSetManager.ItemSetGroups[newSelected].CategoryID;
Yep, here is my discord: @finarIt's within Assets\Behavior Designer\Integrations\UltimateCharacterController\Editor\UltimateCharacterControllerDrawer.cs.
Are you on discord? For something like this it'll be easier to use that platform. We can then post the final solution to this thread when it's working to help with future searches.