Error: Unable to find a Equip Unequip ability with category id 1636424895.

Okay now when i try to change this value it gets reset to this 2147483647, i cant change it manually there


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After i made it like this and changed to needed category i get that there is no category like this on character, but you can see that i actually have this set up right


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It looks like you set a dynamic variable name? The shared button should not be enabled.
Oh, the field doesn't allow for uint values and only int values. That's why there's the cap - it's int.MaxValue. The value would be serialized correctly, but it just can't display correctly.

The custom inspector should work. Within ItemSetCategoryDrawer.OnGUI can you output the value that is being assigned when you change the toggle? Make sure you add the attribute back to the category field.

            if (selected != newSelected || categoryID == 0) {
                Debug.Log(itemSetManager.ItemSetGroups[newSelected].CategoryID); // Here
                (value as SharedUInt).Value = itemSetManager.ItemSetGroups[newSelected].CategoryID;
It's within Assets\Behavior Designer\Integrations\UltimateCharacterController\Editor\UltimateCharacterControllerDrawer.cs.

Are you on discord? For something like this it'll be easier to use that platform. We can then post the final solution to this thread when it's working to help with future searches.
It's within Assets\Behavior Designer\Integrations\UltimateCharacterController\Editor\UltimateCharacterControllerDrawer.cs.

Are you on discord? For something like this it'll be easier to use that platform. We can then post the final solution to this thread when it's working to help with future searches.
Yep, here is my discord: @finar
Just DM'd you