Customers queue


New member
How to create an agents queue? I need the following behavior.
It should have some predefined length.
Agents stay in line in front of cashier. First agent is served, he leaves, others move one step ahead.
If there's no empty slot in a queue, an agent will leave the room.
I tried to use Queue from Movement pack, but it's actually "pass to the door one by one".
Thinking about Formation Pack, it has some Line, Row, Column behavior -- is it suitable? Not bought it yet.
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I do not think that the Formation Pack tasks would help too much as they move into formation first and then start moving. For a line in front of a cashier you'd first want to determine the shortest queue and then move into it.

This will likely involve your own implementation of a new task. You could keep a list of the available cashiers, find the one with the least customers, and then move the character a slot as the queue is progressed.