Cannot setup properly my animations


Hello, sorry to disturb you, but i am struggling trying to add new attack animations for my character using the Third Person Controller
I've searched for hours, tried way too many different things for the sake of my GameProject, and now i do have to call for your mighty help haha

I duplicated the default ones (heavy attack 1 etc...), changed their animations, the states, put thoses states number inside the weapon item audio sequence, did the same thing for the Upperbody Layer, added the events onitemuseblahblah and onitemusecompletething on all my animations. I just don't know what to do next x)
The first two animations seems to work by the way, but i'm not even sure tho' uh

Edit : I managed to make it work perfectly. For people who got the same problem, i have to shamefully advice you to double check if every transitions in your animations are the same than the default ones. I forgot to copy the transitions from -Any State- to my animations.
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