[Can See Object] Does the target need to have a NaveMeshAgent component ?


New member
I have a simple Gameobject holding the CanSee behaviour as follow : When player is in sight, the GO sets a bool to true. Neither this GO nor the target (the player) have a NavmeshAgent component. I don't have any navemesh in the scene either. I just want a simple detection test within a View distance of 50.


But the GO does not see the player even unless the latter is in front of its nose (touching the GO). I'm still looking but do I need a Navmesh? Does the target (or the GO) need to be an agent?

1613930260360.png 1613930288834.png

For now, I'm using the WithinDistance task but I am curious why the CanSeeObject is not working as espected.
Thanks for your help !
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check your heights? I had the height set wonky in my scene when I first started and got that behavior.