Bug when adding my own ability.


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Good day.
I'm using Ultimate Character Controller, Unity 5.6.5f1
I am making my own Ability for the player (i need the "continuously run forward"- ability)
Here is the script:
public class MovingAbility: Ability{
public override void ApplyPosition(){ DeterministicObjectManager.SetCharacterMovementInput(m_CharacterLocomotion.DeterministicObjectIndex, 0, 1);
In Unity Editor it works, my char is still running
But, if I build the Android .apk - it not works. And after building to Android, it not works in Unity editor, until I click on anything in the Hierarchy window - then my ability starts to work again, but only in Editor, of course.
I don't know why it wouldn't work for android but for that type of ability I would just change the InputVector.y = 1 within the update method.
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