BUG (?) - UFPS 3.0.8 / PUN Addon 2.0.2 view models showing after respawn


I think i found a bug using the UFPS + Pun Addon, when the character is respawned the first person objects is being activated.

I was thinking that this was a problem on my setup (which use HDRP, FPS Mesh Integration and custom character) but after testing on a fresh project using the Built-in rendering pipeline i was able to reproduce the same problem.

The video below show the problem:

Using UFPS 3.0.8 I wasn't able to reproduce the arms spawning, but I was able to reproduce the arms appearing on the screen after the item is unequipped. This is around time 0:34 in your video. I will fix that in the next update, but am not sure on the arms. Does it matter if you are the host or the client?
It really doesn't matter if is host or client, in both happen the same problem.

I tested on Unity 2021.3.16f1, i don't know if it helps, but i noticed that with the pistol, only one arm appear below the character after the respawn, even when both arms show on the screen of the first person player.

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This is within a fresh project with no other changes? I created a new Unity 2021.3 project and did the following steps:

- Import UFPS, PUN, and the PUN Add-on.
- Set the PUN unique key.
- Updated the UFPS buttons and layers.
- Opened the menu and demo scene. I added both scenes to the build manager and saved the demo scene so it could remove the appropriate references.
- Built and ran the project.
- Got an assault rifle for both instances.
- Killed one character.
- Looked at the character respawn.

After performing these steps I did not see any floating arms.

I did exatcly that and even tried again but the problem persists.

One thing is that the floating arms only appears when the remote player equip another weapon after he is respawned. So in my tests, if the remote player is not holding any weapon is fine like the screenshot you sent

Another thing i noticed (that is kinda obvious but i must say), is that it doesn't happen with the runtime pickups on scene, because the player drop it when he dies, so the problem happens with the default loadout only
EDIT: Did other tests, and there are other problems. First i deleted the previous 'fresh project', and setup all again, following the order you said, with all the necessary steps. Beyond the problems mentioned previously with the floating arms / item here some things i noticed:

- When the remote player pickup any weapon in the scene, the third person object is not swapping to the invisible shadow caster material
- Even when the remote player dies and drop the runtime pickups, they're still showing with the floating arms after respawn

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One thing is that the floating arms only appears when the remote player equip another weapon after he is respawned.
Ahh, ok, that was the trick. Thanks! I was able to reproduce it and it will be fixed in the next character controller update (which will likely be next week).