Active member
Hello, this is going to be yet another one of those "please bear with me" reports ! When trying to make sure that IK is not applied when equipping an item with a Non Dominant Hand IK Target, the Character IK script does that very well, however a simple subclassed version like this one -
Causes IK to be applied for 2 frames, creating a quick weird arm movement. Here is a video showing all that :
This echoes back to the subclassed ragdoll issues I reported about 2 weeks ago : I will look into this one again soon. It is not normal that such simple subclassings cause issues, and I fear that other niche issues like these do exist. Hope this one can be reproduced and fixed, thanks in advance.
using Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.Character;
public class SubclassedCharacterIK : CharacterIK
Causes IK to be applied for 2 frames, creating a quick weird arm movement. Here is a video showing all that :
This echoes back to the subclassed ragdoll issues I reported about 2 weeks ago : I will look into this one again soon. It is not normal that such simple subclassings cause issues, and I fear that other niche issues like these do exist. Hope this one can be reproduced and fixed, thanks in advance.