[Bug] CharacterLocomotion Ability "active" Inspector bug with concurrent abilities


Active member
1. Character controller variant (Ultimate Character Controller, First Person Controller, etc).
UCC 2.3.1

2. Unity version (include which SRP, beta Unity versions aren't supported)
2019.4.17f1 HDRP

3. Bug description
With 2 concurrent abilities active the reporting of the active state in the inspector appears confused

4. Steps to reproduce
In the presence of a default concurrent ability like "Height Change", add a new concurrent ability.
In the example video linked here, my ability fires an event in AbilityWillStart and again in AbilityStopped that turns on and off the UI menu (black box). In update of the ability i am running a console debug, which updates when the ability is active and the menu is visible indicating the ability is active and working as intended.
However, when HeightChange is active the inspector reporting becomes tempermental and moving the mouse (causing the character to rotate in the topdown setting) triggers the inspector to update and match the ability's condition (active when menu is visible and debug is running).

5. The full error message (if any)

EDIT: Doesn't seem to happen with SpeedChange as the second concurrent only HeightChange... perhaps due to the other player inputs triggering updates?
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I just tried to reproduce this with a basic concurrent ability and wasn't able to reproduce it. I suspect that the active notice isn't displaying because the UI isn't updating. The UI will only update when there is an event or it is marked as dirty. You could try scrolling the scroll view at that time to see if it updates. This is probably also why you are seeing inconsistent results with Speed and Height Change.
Thanks, that was my suspiscion. It is not a big deal, but good to know it can happen. Out of interest, when you tested with basic concurrent abilities was it with the character doing nothing as in my test case - just crouched and doing nothing whilst activating the second ability?
Yes, I created an ability that doesn't have anything within it and is automatically activated. I then started the HeightChange ability.