Behavior Designer Agent Cannot Fire


New member
Hi, I am having some problems with UCC (tpc) and BD.

So BD runs the start stop use state forever, for attack (as setup in the demo BD scene).

Aim ability works, but the weapon never fires.

I went through this documentation here:

Using the animator debug, I see the assault rifle enters the aim state, but never goes to the fire state.

Double tripple check that the character has weapon, and correct ammo in default.

Using correct Slot ID and animator AI (or weapon would not aim properly on assault rifle state animator).

Set look sense to -1, so that shouldnt be the issue.

No console errors or warnings. Thanks.
As a test have you tried getting your new weapon working with a player-controlled character? This will eliminate one of the factors that could possibly go wrong.

Beyond that does the use event ever get sent? I can't see anything wrong from your screenshots and if it's getting stuck in use then the character could be trying to use the weapon but the event is never sent.

One last thing to check is to ensure you are running the latest version of the Behavior Designer integration - there was a change which fixed an issue like this.
Wow, so after 2 days of fighting this, I tried disabling the aim before shooting (because it wasent transitioning from Aim to Fire). Then it worked. So I adjusted the Item ability order. To put fire at the top and aim at the bottom. I am not sure if this is a bug or that the item abilities are supposed to block each other? Anyways, maybe you want to add that to the shootable weapon faq documentation as an extra hint to people.

2019-04-03 14_20_00-Unity 2018.2.14f1 (64bit) - [PREVIEW PACKAGES IN USE] - Navmesh.unity - GO...png
Ahh, that would cause it. I'll add a note to the docs and add a warning to the aim ability if it isn't the lowest in the list. It needs to be the lowest so the higher priority abilities can set the animator parameters.