Arrow Rotation Not Matching Parented Body Rig

I am doing some frame-by-frame check on why the arrows seem to be misplaced after they hit a part of the enemy body. Here is what I am seeing:

When enemy rig (let's say head) is hit, the arrow seems to be properly placed on the collider, during the moment the character runs out of HP, and the ragdoll mode begins. As the character is falling down, the arrow stops moving in tandem with the rig it is parented by, and starts making a rotation of its own, and ends up on a weird position on the side.

I have been playing around with layers, projectile properties, and other components of the arrow. If I delete the rigid body and capsule collider on the arrow right after the moment the enemy HP is 0, then the arrow stays in its initial impact position, and does not slide.

What may be causing this?

I have seen a setting on the arrow projectile prefab named "Sideway Settle Threshold" and that seems to be exactly what is happening to the arrow. But the values I have tried did not change the outcome. Any ideas?

So it looks like the local position changes when the agent is falling? Is the Projectile component still enabled after the arrow has been parented to the collider?
Yes, the projectile script was turned off.

I seem to have found the culprit. If I remove the collider on it as soon as the collision occurs, it remains on the head on its original position. That seems to imply that it continues to interact with the other colliders and is moved away during the ragdoll fall.
Ok, I seem to have found the solution. I have changed the Impact Force Frames under Shootable Weapon settings to 1, and that did it. Apparently, the arrow seemed to continue to apply force on the other colliders past the initial impact, and setting it to 1 seems to limit the force only to initial impact. Thank you for looking into this.