Alternative Firing for the Bow

I would like to disable the aim on the right click of the bow, and would like to make RMB cause the bow to fire instantly in the direction of the bow instead of aiming. Should I just have a second Shootable Weapon Script with corresponding settings to do that?

I have not been able to locate the input name for firing the bow. There used to be a direct input name inside the shootable weapon script in TPC (i.e. Fire1) but I checked every script under bow and reviewed the input documentation but could not come up with that. Can you help on how to change the button assigned for each use action?

Thank you.
The input name is located on the Use Ability. You should only need one Shootable Weapon Script - when the bow is active you'd have a state that changes the input name.
So what I meant is like the shootableweaponextension script in TPC, I remember mentioning that you would not need an extension for UCC. If I want to add an extended functionality to the bow, for example, if I want the left button to make a charge and fire bow shot, and right mouse button to make an instant shot, how should I go about achieving that? Do I use states under Shootable Weapon script's use section? Or do I need a second script on the same character?

Is this the correct place for the input name? I just cannot see it:

The Input Name is on the Use ability, under the Start Type field. This would be sort of similar to the grande where it changes the use ability input name when it is equipped.
Is this under the Shootable Weapon Script component? I do not see any start type under Use there. I am probably gravely looking somewhere else, but I really could not find that. I went over to making search in the scripts, and rechecked the documentation. UCC is still too wide for me. Would you be so kind to post a screenshot for me? I appreciate it.
Alright, I found it. I do not know why it took me awfully too long to find it. I think I kept looking at item related objects, and the item fields in the documentation, and not under the UC Locomotion script. Now it makes sense why it is there. Thank you for your patience with this.

I went back and read the documentation for the Item Ability, and Action ID. I had a few questions (I am realizing how radically different this is than the TPC approach, hence the learning curve):

1) Is the newly created action ID's stored somewhere to review how many action ID's you have (other than when you click on "remove action" in Existing Item in Item Manager)?
2) The example in the documentation mentions adding a melee weapon. So for that, you obviously would have a shootable and a melee weapon script on the item, so each one is a different configuration with a different action ID. I am confused about what happens when you add an alternative shooting mode to an existing shootable weapon. When I added this in the Existing Item manager, it did not create a separate Shootable Item component (which you told earlier), but then how do you go about adjusting the properties that you want to have for the second action? There is no change in that component (shootable weapon) when I change the action ID. Will the properties change inside the same component when I change the Action ID (btw it is only tagged "ID" under Shootable Weapon, is that supposed to be "Action ID"?), and am I supposed to change the action ID every time I want to adjust the other? Or is there another way that I should go about adjusting each Shootable Weapon Action ID? Or do I need to add a state for the second action?
3) So the Use under Item Abilities does not seem to be item specific, and we use -1 for assigning that item ability to all weapons. If I have a bow and a sword both with a secondary action with an ID=1, then if I choose Action ID as 1 under the item ability, does that mean those settings will govern all weapons with that action ID? Or do I need to setup a new use for each one? Sorry for the noob questions, I am just trying to wrap my head around the documentation.

Thank you.

Update: For #2 I was actually able to make the secondary actions work when I added a second Shootable Weapon and Third Person Shootable Weapon Property for the second action. So could you confirm if we do need a second set of components on each weapon for each new action, or is there another way?
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1) Is the newly created action ID's stored somewhere to review how many action ID's you have (other than when you click on "remove action" in Existing Item in Item Manager)?
The ID is the top of each ItemAction:

When I added this in the Existing Item manager, it did not create a separate Shootable Item component (which you told earlier), but then how do you go about adjusting the properties that you want to have for the second action?
It should create a second set.. I just tried on the left hand pistol which only has the ShootableWeapon and it worked.

then if I choose Action ID as 1 under the item ability, does that mean those settings will govern all weapons with that action ID?
Yes, that will apply to all ItemActions that have the ActionID of 1.
Justin, could you help me figure out where to find the ammo associated with a specific shootable weapon type. I cannot see it under Shootable Weapon script or Third Person Shootable Weapon Properties.

I am creating an alternative shooting mode for a weapon as Action ID 1 for RMB. I chose the consumable weapon for this alternative use the same as the regular Action ID 0 use of this. When i use the alternative ID it does not consume from that ammo type and ends up depleting after three shots (there are three projectiles in the clip) have been fired. Thank you for directions regarding this.
I have found where the ammo is, and I do not know why I was not seeing it, scanning the shootable script for minutes over and over again.

I found a temporary workaround for the other issue by making the consumable weapon type to be none. I think now the reload is disabled but I will keep it until I work around the main concept.