Align to Ground - Ability or Stale Docs?

In reading the "Align to Ground" docs it states that I should be able to add an ability by the same name. Are the docs stale or is there some setting I need to change to enable the "Add Ability" button list to display it (yellow trail where the "Align to Gravity Zone" is also missing).

My guess is that the docs are stale and that this has become first class within the Ultimate Character Locomotion - Movement section (denoted by the yellow dot)? Can someone bring clarity here please?

I have both align to ground and align to gravity abilities for each of the default movement types. No align to ground option under movement. Are you using some custom movement type? Also, which UCC version are you using? Mine is 2.1.4 under unity 2019.1.4 with which I'm testing the asset.
The movement type I currently have set is "Third Person Pseudo3D". I'm on Third Person Controller 2.1.4 which supports the 5.6.2+ (I'm using Unity 5.6.7f1).

If this is a movement type restriction, I'm open to change. Ultimately I'm after a 2.5D game where movement is restricted to the x-axis and y-axis for movement and z-axis for rotation. If there's a better approach I'm all ears.
The last version that supported Unity 5.6 was version 2.0.7 which was before the align to ground abilities were separated. You'll want to use at least Unity 2017.3 to get the latest version of the controller. In the next version the base Unity version that we will be supporting is Unity 2017.4.