Problem with jumping


I have some problems with jumping.
I configured my character similar to the demo scene character but I use UMA.

The problem is, that the character often does not jump when pressing "space".
Sometimes he do, but mostly not. So the jumping ability is set but maybe I have to change the configuration?

Here some of my configurations:

Hopefully you can help me.

Kind Regards,

If you place a breakpoint within Jump.ApplyJumpForce does AddForce get called when the character doesn't jump?
Are you saying that AddForce is not called? Can you reproduce it within the demo scene?
The jump force is applied when the jump event is sent. I would first try it based on the timer, and then once you get that working you can then use an animation event.
With help from justin I fixed the issue.
The problem was that my colliders-layer wasn't set to default and also in the Character Layer Manager I only set "Default" and "Moving Platform" as solid objects.