Recent content by Ugur Tuna

  1. U

    How can I Access both behaviour trees separetly from a script if I have 2 behaviour trees on the same object?

    Hi, I want to have 2 behaviour trees on my NPC's to different behave in different situations. If I code: " transform.GetComponent<BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.BehaviorTree>().enabled=false;" which one will it disable and which one will it enable? How can I access them from a script?
  2. U

    How can I access a behaviour tree shared variable from another script?

    Hi, I am trying to build a potion system for my game. But i want to keep my potion effects in an effect list and change variables at the behavior tree, based on theese effects. But i couldn't access theese variables from another script. In this example, a preserve stamina potion should lower...