Recent content by Shazimus

  1. S

    Final IK Bridge & Update 2.1.4 Problem?

    @Justin The jittering occurs even if we are running at a smooth 70fps. I created a blank project and added UCC, Final IK and the Final IK Bridge. The jittering still does occur with the Nolan character, below is a video demonstrating it. I'll also email you a link to this blank project. In...
  2. S

    Player Damage and Death

    Ah thanks, I have it working already with my method but your screenshot looks more simple :)
  3. S

    Player Damage and Death

    Hi @GEOMETRIC BYTES, what solution did you use to make the player die from falling? EDIT: I accessed the "Grounded" and "LocalVelocity.y" variables inside the UltimateCharacterLocomotion script to have the player die from falling too high. Thanks, Shaz
  4. S

    Video Tutorials for "Move Towards" and "Ability Start"?

    Ah ok that would explain it then. Thanks for the info
  5. S

    Video Tutorials for "Move Towards" and "Ability Start"?

    Does anybody know of any video tutorials to explain how to get a character to auto walk/rotate towards an exact location? The context being we want a character to auto move for 0.5 seconds to line up next to another object. I've tried to follow the documentation but have not yet managed to get...
  6. S

    Final IK Bridge & Update 2.1.4 Problem?

    Unfortunately I was wrong about the above. While in play mode you can toggle between having Final IK or Bridge enabled, and it will seem like the jittering has stopped. However, after 10 seconds or so it will return with a furious vengeance. We have no idea how to solve this issue.
  7. S

    How to access the "Third Person Adventure" variables?

    Hi Justin, I've added a script reference as described by the doc: adventureCam = mainCam.GetComponent<CameraController>().GetViewType<Opsive.UltimateCharacterController.ThirdPersonController.Camera.ViewTypes.Adventure>(); I've also added the necessary namespaces: using...
  8. S

    How to access the "Third Person Adventure" variables?

    Wondering if anyone knows the syntax for how to access the variables in the CameraController that are listed under the Third Person Adventure View Type? For example, I'd like to change variables like Forward Axis and Look Smoothing Offset in a script at runtime. Not found anything in the...
  9. S

    Final IK Bridge & Update 2.1.4 Problem?

    After some experimenting it seems like the Final IK Bridge component is no longer needed? After removing it from the player character, the glitching has gone and the Final IK component (which had been auto-disabled before now) is working as expected. It looks like the Bridge component was...
  10. S

    Final IK Bridge & Update 2.1.4 Problem?

    It seems I spoke a little too soon. The frame rate drop issue no longer happens which is a relief. But we do sometimes get a "hiccup" on the player model. Either the upper body or leg can have a "spasm" where it shifts out of place momentarily. @Justin I've added your support email to a private...
  11. S

    Final IK Bridge & Update 2.1.4 Problem?

    Good news! We updated to the latest version, 2.17, and also re-downloaded the Final IK Bridge component in case it was updated and now we have a smooth frame rate and no glitches on the character model. Cheers!
  12. S

    Final IK Bridge & Update 2.1.4 Problem?

    Just to add some more info to my last post, if you disable the Final IK Bridge component, you no longer see the large CPU spikes caused by the Physics.CapsuleCast calls that UCC makes.
  13. S

    Final IK Bridge & Update 2.1.4 Problem?

    Hi @Justin We have been using Ultimate Character Controller for a couple of months. We're having some issues with the Final IK Bridge integration. Similar to the people who posted above our project now has sudden drops in the frame rate, from 30+ or 60+ to single digits. Before using UCC...